
Cotes d'Armor

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90,040 € + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3173 La Chèze 22210 Detached 3 bedroomed Pavillon on 897m2 garden
Needs a little updating and redecoration.
166,960 € + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3185 La Prénessaye 22210 A 4 bedroomed neo-Breton house with garage and 2973m2 garden
A neo-Breton type house with full basemen inc garage, summer kitchen, cellar and boiler room
228,844 € + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3162 Loudéac 22600 6 bedroom Neo Breton with 758m2 garden with basement garage
eo-Breton type pavilion built on a complete concrete basement (laundry garage, two rooms)
239,246 € + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3141 Plémet 22210 Detached single storey 4 bedroom property with 1930m2 garden
Walking distance to the village for this detached wooden pavillon built in 2010. Single storey with large garden (just about half an acre)... set back from the road.
488,800€ + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-3-mon2074 Plestin les Greves 22310 Spacious 4 bedroom village house with 1569m2 garden. Beach 2km
Town centre, shops and school within walking distance, this pretty house from the 1930s was extended in 1985 and offers a beautiful surface area of ​​178 m². Entrance through a little conservatory
141,000 € + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3159 Laurenan 22230 3 bedroom detached Longère with outbuildings on 2465m2 grounds
Nice looking property
146,480 € + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3149 Mûr-de-Bretagne 22530 3 bedroom town house with 1452m2 garden, garage and workshop
Nice town house... with workshop!
156,480 € + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3023 Merdrignac 22230 Pretty 4 bedroom stone built house with 1588m2 garden
Beautiful stone house under slate roof, independent with land (buildable) of 1588 m2. It is built on a basement (garage, boiler room, cellar)
105,520 € + Notaire’s fees
AHIB-1-ID-22115-3136 Langast 22150 Semi-detached 3 bedroom longère with 3/4 acre grounds
Attractive project!
58,960€ + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3003 Gausson 22150 Semi detached house with 1480m2 garden
Renovation project... could be rather nice!
218,442 € + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID-22115-3102 Plémet 22210 Imposing Detached 3 bedroom house with 3/4 acre garden
Interesting opportunity to give this property a little tlc.
115,520€ + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3006 Plessala 22330 Ensemble of 2 stone houses (3 bed and 2 bed) with 1384m2 + 1070m2 opposite
Two houses! Land around for 1384 m2. And garden opposite, in addition, of 1070 m2.
338,065 € + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3170 Plouguenast-Langast 22150 4 bedroom detached house with 2101m2 garden
House built of concrete blocks, roof covered in slates and built over a basement. Half an acre of garden.
43,960 € + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3177 Plumieux 22210 2 bedroom detached house for renovation with over a hectare!
over 2.5 acres! Needs work but potential!
85,040 € + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3201 Laurenan 22230 Semi detached house built of stone with 4880m2 garden.
Pretty little house with an acre!
33,960€ + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID2115-3165 Illifaut 22230 House for complete renovation plus a ruin!
Not for the faint hearted!
85,040€ + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3171 Le Mené 22330 Two bedroom stone house with 1552m2 grounds
Nice looking property with scope to make your own!
28,000 € + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3147 La Prénessaye 22210 Farmhouse to restore on 882m2 grounds
Restoration... Not for the faint hearted!
95,040 €
AHIB-1-ID22115-3158 Plémet 22210 Pretty detached 2 bedroom longère with 6832m2 grounds
Bit of tlc and this could be really rather nice.
187,500€ + Notaire's Fees
AHIB-1-ID22115-3174 Grâce-Uzel 22460 4 bedroom detached house with double garage with 3250m2 grounds.
A double garage adjoining the house and an independent shed on a concrete slab. Wooded land of 3250 m².

Browse Properties by Town Name : Cotes d'Armor

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