We make no charges to buyers or sellers, in fact we only get paid after the ink is dry on the Acte Finale paperwork. Some UK agents do make charges and we think that is very wrong... Especially when our own agents include a support service during your purchase process free of any extra charges.The price you see in the description panel includes agency fees. The Notaire's fees which are extra to that on a sliding scale* according to the price of the property. A good yardstick is to expect the Notaire's Fees to add appx 8% to the price seen on each property page. If you are uncertain about anything relating to this then please  ask us or the agents on the ground during your viewing(s).

*Being based on a sliding scale (so not the same across all price bands) makes it impossible to apply a broad brush approach...If you have a specific query then please ask. For ourselves, when we bought our place we received some funds back following the signing of the Acte Finale.

Click here for a simple explanation of the French buying process http://www.wwwahouseinbrittany.blogspot.co.uk/2015/02/a-quick-look-at-french-property-buying.html